Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Learning about Time

In Mathematics we have been learning about Time. Here are some photos of some of our activities.

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  1. Good Job everyone! It looks like you are having lots of fun. What things have you learnt about time?

  2. Phew! That must be hard!I bet i cant even do them! (I probably can)

  3. wow! that looks so interesting I like how you have looked on time because you can never go back into it.What did you do to find out what happend?
    What things have you learnt about time?
    What a fun maths project

  4. What did you learn about time? Did you learn to tell the time 3 ways? Digital, Analogue and 24 hour time? Nowdays we mostly see digital time or 24 hour time... can you tell 24 hour time?
