Monday, 13 August 2018

Celebrating Matariki

Celebrating Matariki

We did some reading about Matariki and learnt that Matariki is a time for:
  • learning from older people
  • learning about caring for our land and environment
  • planting winter crops eg kumara
  • making and flying kites
So we planted some vegetables (potato, kumara, onion and carrot).

We designed and created some colourful kites.

We had a special visit from Reneé's mother who taught us to weave flowers using flax.  It was hard work folding the flax but by working together we managed it, making beautiful flax flowers. 

We even had a go at flying a kite ourselves out on the field - a first for many of us!

Procedural Writing

We Are Learning To write: 
Procedural Texts
Sienna applying her sock
 puppet's features.

We began by reading and discussing a variety of procedural texts, such as Getting Ready for Bed and the instructions for making sock puppets, which we had a go at making ourselves.

Arlo using the hot glue gun to attach ears
 to his sock puppet.

Donnie's puppet under construction. 
Arlo and Zimo's puppets on show.
Caitlin and Donnie with their
completed puppets.
All sock puppets on show.

Edward had a go at following some complicated instructions for drawing a symographic hedgehog.  It took a lot of concentration, counting and ruling lines accurately.

We then practised writing our own procedural texts: How to Clean Your Teeth and How to Make a Healthy Sandwich.  Here is what Jade wrote:

A  Healthy Sandwich

2 pieces`of bread
7 pieces of salami
1 piece of crumbed fish
1 piece of crumbed chicken
7 pieces of cucumber
Some tomato sauce
Some ham
1 big piece of cheese
1 big piece of lettuce

  1. Put your two pieces of bread on a flat surface.
  2. You butter each side using a  butter knife.
  3. Place some lettuce on the first piece of bread.
  4. Cut a strip of cheese and put that on top of the lettuce.
  5. Get a ham container out of the fridge and put some ham on top of your cheese.
  6. Squirt some tomato sauce on your ham
  7. Cut some delicious cucumber and put it on your tomato sauce.
  8. You will love some crumbed chicken on your cucumber.
  9. Put yummy crumbed fish on the crumbed chicken.
  10. Put some bacon on top of your crumbed chicken.
  11. Put your other piece of bread on the top.
  12. Heat it up for a minute or two in the oven.
  13. This is quite obvious… you eat it!!!!

I hope you like your healthy sandwich!

By Jade McDonald

Diorama of Geographical Features

The World Around Us

As part of our Reading, we read a series of books about geographical features.  Some of the features we learnt about were: lakes, oceans, forests, rivers, deserts, waterfalls, glaciers, avalanches, mountains and volcanoes.

To visually demonstrate what we had learnt, we divided into three groups and each group created a diorama using papier mâché.  We tried to include as many interesting geographical features as we could. 

After painting them, we labelled and explained the different features we had been reading about.  Here are our final products.

Art Exhibition

Arts Week, 2018

On 26th July, as part of Arts Week, we had an exhibition in the hall of all of the classes' artwork.  Room 15 enjoyed admiring and discussing not just their own works of art - The Cats - but all the other classes' masterpieces as well.  
What amazing talent there is at Sunnyhills!

Principal's Award, 4th July



On the 4th July Christian received the Principal's Award for great effort and progress with your Reading.  Keep up this awesome effort!